Hey there,
Last week, I attended the virtual JAMStack Conf. They uploaded the videos on YouTube now:
Or maybe a quick glimpse by reading JAMStack survey 2020.
They used hopin.to to host the virtual event and it was impressive. There are different parts of the event: stage, Q&A sessions, booths, networking.

The events were scheduled across different parts. Keynote began on stage. Every participant focus on the stage and the other parts were dimmed.
During the break, the stage kept a list of nice background music. Also, the Q&A sessions, Booths, and networking were open. Some people remain in the stage room to chat. Audiences can also join the Networking session to have a video chat with a random audience for a few minutes.
Q&A sessions and booths are separated video call rooms. Audiences can attend the session or booths by text-chat only or by jumping into video chat.
This is much better than a physical booth in an offline event. For example, the RedwoodJS booth by Tom Preston-Werner had hundreds of audience watching and several joined video calls.
This can’t be possible for a physical booth to have 100+ audiences listening together. This helps both the booth host and the audiences. The booth host can demonstrate their product to many people at the same time, saving their time to repeat the demonstration.
Overall, I had a nice JAMStack Conf online last week and learned a lot from the sharing and from the service itself.
I look forward to the next web-related virtual conference. I also look forward to attending the online WWDC on June 22.
Links worth sharing
How to build a static website without frameworks using npm scripts
How to Install the New Free Mac Fonts in macOS Catalina - MacRumors
→ Migrating makzan.net from Wordpress to Eleventy and Netlify
Last week, I moved my website from Wordpress to Eleventy and Netlify.
→ The Web We Lost: Volume One
I don’t miss Flash but I sure miss this level of creativity and experimentation on the web.
There was much good memory browsing web during the 1990s and early 2000s.
The website VolumeOne.com showcases screenshots of those Flash websites by Matt
→ Background Patterns, Simplified by Conic Gradients
Conic gradients are useful and unique. This post showcases the background patterns that we can make use of conic gradients.
→ How to build a static website without frameworks using npm scripts
Nice to learn how we can build a static website just by using npm script.
→ Codepen now allows editing uploaded text asset directly
Useful for editing JSON and SVG files uploaded on Codepen.
→ Floating Point Math
0.1 + 0.2 != 0.3
→ Tools for better thinking
Collection of thinking tools and frameworks to help you solve problems, make decisions and understand systems.
→ Superbase
This is an open-source Firebase alternative.
→ How to Install the New Free Mac Fonts in macOS Catalina
Just learn that there are new fonts in Mac OS.
Until next week,
Thomas Mak