Hey friend,
How are you? I’m getting a little bit better from almost burning out. I got some recharges during weekends and have fewer headaches.
In 2007, Steve Jobs tried to promote web app development instead of going native.
As Steve Jobs said, web app has the following benefits:
Integrate with iPhone services
Instant distribution
Easy to update
No SDK needed, just modern web standards.
In 2008, the app store opens and native apps bloomed for a decade. Native apps provide great navigation experience and better OS integration.
The web technologies are upgraded too during these 10+ years. We now have more access to sensors. We also have a faster JavaScript engine and CPU optimization. The web app performance is almost on par with a native experience.
But after 10 years using the app store, we have built up the habit of searching native apps for certain functionalities.
Take the MacaoReadyGo.gov.mo as an example, my friends keep asking where to find it on the app store while the fact is it is directly accessible from the web.
App Store does provide a distribution channel for developers to reach more potential customers and gather payment for developers. But it is becoming the only one channel for distributions. So the EU has opened investigations into App Store rules. We shall keep an eye on the result because it is going to affect how we distribute and monetize mobile apps.
There is also a conflict and debate between Basecamp’s HEY email and Apple right now on App Store rule.
Links worth sharing
Introducing GitHub Super Linter: one linter to rule them all
Did you know that web developer tools (in the browser) are made out of web technologies?
→ Steve Jobs introduced web app development on iPhone in 2007
→ “You download the app and it doesn’t work”
It is worth noting that Fastmail is accepting in-app purchases now. I didn’t release too because I pay them by a 2-year period on the Fastmail.com.
→ Previous lessons by Startup School teachers and mentors
Tons of resources to learn from.
→ Learn Z-Index Using a Visualization Tool
→ How To Notify Users Without Being Spammy
A fun way to learn UX from their comic styled slides.
→ Introducing GitHub Super Linter: one linter to rule them all
→ GitHub isn't fun anymore
I believe the turning point was when they changed how the ranking system on the Trending page worked.
The Trending page used to be a straight-up list of the projects with the most new stars in the last 24 hours across the whole site (and by language). I always thought of it as the defacto front page of the open source movement. It was a lil’ site-wide scoreboard and an invaluable project discovery mechanism.
A similar issue when Twitter introduced “Home” feed instead of the “latest” feed.
→ Introducing Firefox Private Network VPN's Official Product
→ Did you know that web developer tools (in the browser) are made out of web technologies?

Quote worth sharing
Taking time to rest, renew, and refresh yourself isn't wasted time. Recharge. Choose what energizes you.
-Melody Beattie
Until next week
Thomas Mak